Montag, 5. März 2012

ChangeWriter lives South Africa!

Hello again. (=

After more than one month living in Cape Town, we arrived eventually.
The first Interviews are shot, and now we're trying to sort out what we really need, because we recognized, that after only 5 hours of filming we needed nearly 10% of our data storage!!
This is a little too much. (=

Besides the working, we’re feeling very very good!!!
The weather is warm as usual and little windy, so in one word: Perfect. =D
We also found the best Beach ever, “just around the corner”.  It’s as if someone stole it from “Pirates of the Caribbean” and put it into Cape Town.

So there we are, filming, living and loving Cape Town. =)

Greetings to everyone. (=

Cya soon.


Some pictures ;)

Max with the famous Cones of Boo Kap - the South African carnival
Typical colourful streets of Boo Kap


   'our' house =)

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