Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

Interview today

We had a great great interview today. We spoke to Moosa (Mosie) Moolla. He gave us a brief well narrated overview about the history of Apartheid. The orpression and racism started long before 1948 (the start of the systematized Apartheid Era) when Jan van Riebeeck came in 1652 to the Cape of Good Hope. He told us all the history so that we can understand from where does the Apartheid System come from. He gave us several examples how the laws effected the lifes of the poeple and how the Afrikaaners could sustain their system. Further on he spoke about his personal struggle, his life in prison, his experience.

Just to give you an impression how life was during Apartheid in the followilng some anecdotes/stories which actually took place.

The male Africans had to carry a passport with them 24 a day. If they wanted to visit a friend on the opposite side of the street and forgot their passport at home or just left the passport home because it was to hot to wear a jacket with pockets or whatever and they were stopped by the Afrikaaners they had to go to prison. It didn't matter that the passport was at home two steps away. Those kinds of incidents happend often, because the Afriakaaners regularly controlled and checked the houses and streets of the Africans. They even came during the night at 3 o'clock and asked for the passport or whatever. They could just did what they wanted to do. At a certain daytime the Africans had to leave the towns. They were only allowed to stay in the town to work. After work they were suppossed to leave the city. If an Afrikaaner found an African after this time in the town he could just do with him whatever he wanted to do wether it was to abuse or even kill him...

that's it for today. Keep well.


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