Sonntag, 29. April 2012

postal voting and movies

we just applied postal voting for the state election in North Rhine-Westphalia in May =)
Today we are watching movies while eating our self-made scones! The best scones we've ever eaten by the way. If anyone is interessted in the recipe for the best scones all over the world feel free to try the recipe below =)

Our first movie today was 'actual love' - quite kitschy but watchable! It's actually a difference to watch a movie while you have your own film all the time in your mind - you get inspired and you feel like taking your camera immediately and start filming yourself..!

Enjoy your Sunday! ;)


4 Cups  flour
1/4 tsp  salt
1/4 pound butter, graded
8 tsp backing powder


4 tblsp sugar
2 eggs
1 mug buttermilk
1/4 cup oil


1 egg
1 tblsp milk

Mix flour, salt and backing powder. Sift the mixture, add butter.
Mix sugar, eggs and buttermilk. Add to the flour-butter mixture. Add oil. If the dough is to thick add some warm water or/ and milk. Don't knead the dough to much. Put some flour on the table. Don't roll the dough rather press it a little with your hands until the dough is about 2cm high. Take a glass and prick out circles.

Bake the scones for 10-12 min. at 200°C until they raised and the top is brownish.
Eat it warm and fresh with butter and honey / jam / cheese… ;)


May the change be (with) you!

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