Donnerstag, 12. April 2012


Hey guys!

Today we gonna leave to Joburg.
We talked to a lot of peolple here in Cape Town. Didn't have tooo many interviews but it's quite okay.
And we learned a lot about doing interviews, staing in contact with peolple, making new contacts, enjoying Cape Twon (very important! ;)).
But we also looking forward now to move to Joburg. We stay with a women who was very much into the struggle. Her whole family was always quite political. She will intruduce us to other important comrades. But we our selves already got some people from Joburg on our 'people-to-interview/meet-list'!

Difficulties which we are dealing with:

- sometimes no acces to the internet
- to arrange appointments resp. keep the arrangements
- people do not phone back / cancel the meeting or reschedule the date
- important peolpe are always busy ;)
- we dont't have a car and most of the places wher we have to go to are out of the public transport 
- we don't have our own keys, can't leave the house whenever we want to
- don't have a desktop

Things which make us happy:

- taxi driving
- meeting so may interesting people
- best landscape ever
- filming all the time
- the weather  SUNSHINE  =)
- learning so many stuff
- our friend Susanna from Germany
- that we can listen to the Adhan (prayer call) for each prayer
- in every mall even in the theme park is a prayer room =)
- staying with our 'family' here in CT
- teasing Bubbles
- eating doughnuts
- having our second laptop back
- they got fair trade choclate here in SA :D
- the growing organic scene ;)
- they have Extrablatt here (we got the same café in germany!)
- they cook everyday for us - best food ever
- we only have to make our own washing everthing else is made by someone who helps in z´the household
- playing with kids
- hiking up the Table Mountain!! :D

okay. More information will follow isA.

Keep well enjoy your time =)



1 Kommentar:

  1. My dears, now I have learned that you have a very hard life! So much things missing now. But I hope that you are okay and you will find a lot of other interesting things which you will miss when you are back in Germany. Rgds Angelika
