Samstag, 2. Juni 2012

News from Cape Town =)


we only had two interviews this week, two were cancelled last-minute. So we didn't go to the township =(
But we had two wonderful interviews with Denis Goldberg and with the editor and founder of Muslim Views (Farid Sayed), a capetonian Newspaper, which is the follower of Muslim News, a newspaper which was established during Apartheid. Farid started working as a young man by Muslim News and he spoke about the difficulties as a journalist during Apartheid and about the stupidy of the laws.

We don't know yet what is happening next week. We have to give our visas an other try. Our Cape Town Daddy ;) is going to the township tomorrow to give food to the poor people. We try to go with but Mona is still not so well. Otherwise we are going to phone some people now, to arrange appointments and we have to film more of Cape Town, the poeple in the streets, art, daily life...that we can do without people =) And we have to go again to Farids office he got a lot of old editions of Muslim Views and Muslim News and we can use them all :D

May the change be (with) You!



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