Samstag, 16. Juni 2012

update Cape Town

Hey =)

finally we got our visas, although we had to change our flights because they didn't give us an other full 90-Days-Visa.That means we are already coming home at the 9th of July ;)
That also means that we have less time here in Cape Town, less time to work, less time to enjoy!
We still got some work ahead but we also don't want to put to much pressure on ourselves. Mona was sick for three weeks and is still not really fine. That means for us we have to choose now, what is really important and what can we cancel?
Besides the work we had some nice birthdays and we are enjoying the Euro 2012 ;) And the nice weather period right now in Cape Town after a long raining period :D:D

May the change be (with) You!



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