Donnerstag, 10. April 2014

Mittwoch, 20. März 2013



We are back. Almost. Back to the web world. From now on you'll find all the information about our documantry in the category 'film apartheit.' and the most new entry you'll find here in 'aktuelles.'

Right now we are almost done with our first sequence. It's about Shaheeda Issel and her time in prison. We will upload it as soon as possible. 

We hope you are all well. 

All the best & may the change be (with) YOU!  

Peace, Mox! 

Donnerstag, 13. September 2012

next steps


it's been a while. Actually we were busy moving in our own flat and arriving home. I think finally we got here with body and soul. Right now we do have a storage problem because we have too many datas and not enough storage space but we'll find a solution for that isA.
Otherwise we were busy applying for the university and we both are going to study in Cologne.

We hope you're all well!

All the best and may the change be (with) YOU!


Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2012



we arrived safely. Want to sleep but can't because to much is going on. Don't realy know whats going on. Is it really already 23:15h?? When did that happen? Cape Town seems to be an other world, time.
Happy to be home. =)

Peace and may the change be (with) YOU!

enjoying the view from Monas room